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TFJH Student Handbook



2024-25 Student / Parent Handbook

I am aware that the 2024-25 Thompson Falls Junior High Student Handbook is available on the Thompson Falls Junior High website ( and that hard copies are available upon request at the Junior High Office.  I am aware of its contents and have discussed it with my parents/guardians. I further understand that all students will be held accountable for their behavior and will be subject to disciplinary consequences outlined in this handbook.

Electronic Signature Agreement:required

Communication plays a very important part in educational success. Our school uses a variety of ways to communicate, including Infinite Campus Parent Portal, available on our website,

Please mark all communication methods that work for you:required
Publishing Permissionrequired
Electronic Signature Agreement:required
In case of serious illness or injury, if parent or emergency contact cannot be reached, I give permission for the school, any doctor or emergency medical technician to do whatever is deemed necessary. I understand that the school does not carry insurance coverage for students and the school will not assume responsibility for fees for services.required
Electronic Signature Agreement:required